It has been a mandate since the 5th of January 2021 for any businesses that supply articles or complex objects which contain any hazardous substances in them, need to submit that information to the ECHA. This is a new database, and it stands for European Chemicals Agency. This database was introduced with the motive of tracking all the usage and recycling status of hazardous substances that are getting used in the products. The submission process, however, is not a piece of cake for everyone. The process is confusing and has multiple layers to it.
In this blog, we are simplifying the submission process for you.
Reusing the data that is submitted to ECHA
When you are going through your first submission process, you will be allotted a SCIP number through the SCIP database. This is provided to each of the supplier parts. The SCIP number is a sequence of 36 hexadecimal characters. The companies normally face troubles in creating duplicate articles for submission on their supplier parts.
Cutting down the probable costs
The entire adherence to REACH and ECHA compliance is very intricate, and it might put a dent in your resources, both time and money if you have not planned it way ahead. You can bring down the costs by partnering with the right agencies and using their customized solutions. They can help you with IT tools to maintain time and accuracy or provide you with notifications of new SVHCs and restricted substances in the list. The supplier portal will also have all the declarations uploaded on it automatically, and you will be notified eventually.
Use the parent company for the submissions on behalf of all the companies
If you are a company with a corporate group, it is better than the parent company submits the data on behalf of its daughter companies. This is a very smart move, and it will save you a lot of effort. The parent company will be taking responsibility for the data collection, processing, and submission and they will, most importantly, have sufficient resources to execute it perfectly. The parent company will also have a legal responsibility of submitting the data on behalf of all other companies on a contractual or voluntary basis.
You can hire Enviropass to work as your agent to file the submission in the SCIP database. Your work will be made easier, and it will be perfect as well.