Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is one of the sought-after banks to work with. Aspired by many, a few get a chance to be a part of this organization.
There are many posts and vacancies released by RBI every year in order to recruit aspiring and deserving candidates to their organization.
RBI Grade B Recruitment offers selection to probationary officer based posts (officer).
RBI attracts applications of lakhs of students annually for recruitment to the officer grade B posts. This year a total of 199 vacancies have been announced by the authority.
Being recruited as RBI Grade B officer gets you through one of the highly esteemed government job in India. Apart from being a reputed job role in the central bank of India, there are numerous perks added to it making it one of the most applied jobs in India.
When to Apply for RBI Grade B?
The notification is usually released in October. However, the Prelims exam is scheduled for November or December.
RBI Grade B Recruitment usually lasts for 3-4 months. This is a quick recruitment in comparison to the other government job recruitments.
The registration for this year has been closed. Now all accepted applications shall be sorted by the authority.
Post finalizing the accepted applications, RBI Grade B Admit Card shall be released.
This is the most important document justifying your eligibility inside the exam hall and also, ensuring that your application was approved.
Tips to Crack RBI Grade B in First Attempt
Considering when one must start preparing, it is suggested that you must start your preparation from November/December.
One needs sufficient time to practice and understand various concepts asked in the exam.
Finance is one of the most difficult sections, the earlier you begin, the better will be your grip on the subject. Practice is anyway the key! Keep on practicing from the previous year papers, mock test series and online quizzes for each subject to solve the maximum number of questions in the least time.
Prepare for both Prelims and Mains together since there is almost no gap between these two. Mains are scheduled 15 days after Prelims is conducted. Invest most of your time preparing for various topics for Phase 2 (Mains) since Prelims is just a qualifying exam.
Various Stages of the Exam
The selection to the Grade B posts at RBI is done through a three phase selection process. Prelims being the qualifying exam help you qualify to the Mains stage (Phase 2). The scores obtained in Prelims are not added during the final selection to the posts.
Qualifying the stage as per the RBI Grade B Result for Prelims helps you move one step closer to achieving this milestone. Mains are the stepping stone to your dream of becoming a RBI Grade B officer. Sectional marking is applicable to this section of the exam. Spend more time for Mains; however, do not neglect your preparation for Prelims.
Understanding the Pattern of the Online Exam
As known, the exam is a three stage exam. Mains being an important stage hold the maximum weightage of 300 marks. Let’s understand a detailed pattern/ highlights on Prelims and Mains exam pattern for RBI Grade B Recruitment.
Phase 1/ Prelims is a 4 section exam with 200 questions to be done in 2 hours. The total weightage of Prelims is 200. Mains being the main stage of the exam have a weightage of 300 marks with 300 questions. The time allocated for this exam is 90 minutes per section. 2 sections are objective while English descriptive in nature.