If you want a sleek and streamlined look for your kitchen, this is the article for you. Modular kitchens look trendy and are convenient to work in. hence, they are termed as modular. They can sometimes be challenging to design, as it needs a lot of care and using the most of the space available. Here are the steps to follow when planning your modular kitchen.
- Determine the layout or shape of the kitchen
The layout design is the most important step to plan a kitchen. Here, you need to consider the arrangement of the countertop, major appliances and storage ideas to make the most of the space available. On the basis of the same, there are five layouts: straight, l shape, u shape, parallel shape, and full rectangular shape with door opening. On the basis of the overall size of the kitchen, you can also add an island to each layout. And on the basis of the length, you can design a breakfast table with walkways.
- Choose the modules
The gist of designing a modular kitchen is based on kitchen cabinets and modules. Every module bears either a shelf, drawers or pullouts. Each of them have their own pros and cons. Shelf modules are the cheapest, drawers are moderate in price and pullouts are the costliest. Corner modules are also available for accessories. A designer will help you in choosing the right balance of shelf or pullouts and drawers and also ensure that the ergonomics of work triangle are looked after. Wall modules can be hinged or elevated. If you are on a budget, go with the hinges, but if you have a moderate budget, go for a lift up cabinet. If you are unsure of your budget, refer to this modular kitchen cost calculator.
- Select the material
You also need to consider the quality and looks.
- Quality: cabinet material tends to last for 15 years. So ensure that the material is water and termite proof. It is also cheaper than plywood.
- Looks: kitchen tends to reflect your personality and style. There are a number of finishes available like veneer, foil, acrylic, laminates, polymers, glass, PU paint etc.
- Choose the countertop
Once you have decided on the layouts, modules and finishes, you can choose the right kitchen countertop. There are a number of choices available like granite, solid surfaces, cesar stone etc. Granite is the best of all. Solid surface can give a seamless choice but they are not stain proof.
- Select the right appliances or sink or faucet
Once you have determined what countertop you want, it is time to select the ideal kitchen appliances like hob, chimney, oven etc. Once this is accomplished, it is the time to select the ideal sink single or double bowl, with or without the drain board as well as the faucet for the same.
If you cannot choose or implement the steps above, maybe you should hire a professional interior designer to do this task for you. Ensure that they have enough expertise to deal with your project and help you choose the most ideal and best design and fixtures for your kitchen. No matter if you are a café owner or want to have your home kitchen remodeled to have a customized kitchen, your interior designer got your back.