Heel pain can be sudden and very painful. It usually occurs after resting or sleeping. It is the first steps on the foot that produce the powerful pain. After moving around, the pain will subside but not necessarily go away. Heel pain will, in many cases, go away on its own accord if given enough time. While there is pain, the question of when a visit to the doctor is in order.
There is a band of tissue that goes from the heel to the toes. When it becomes inflamed or small tears occur, pain results. This is the condition known as plantar fasciitis. The inflammation can be the result of several causes. Three leading problems are running, being overweight, and wearing shoes that do not properly support the foot, heel, and toes. Improper walking can also aggravate the problem of heel pain.
A person might change the way they walk to relieve the pain. This might work but continuing with this different walk could lead to other problems with the hip, knee, or back. An individual could be trading one problem for another.
One remedy to try before visiting a doctor is rest. Stay off the feet and see if that helps. Many times the pain will disappear but the rest may be longer that a person is willing to endure. Another remedy is to stop the activity that caused the pain. This would include running, or standing up all day. If that is a job requirement, new footwear or placing supports in existing shoes might be in order. Sometimes the cause of heel pain is worn out shoes.
Two more possibilities include taping and stretching. Taping the foot prevents movement and allows the injured tissue to heal. There is a need to be careful using this as a home remedy as improper taping may not solve the pain and could make it worse.
Stretching is a good way to handle heel pain. Be careful. Do not overdo or risk further injury. Be gentle and the heel and foot will feel better.
The use of ice also works to ease heel pain. It is not a cure. All of these remedies that deal with pain are meant to make life bearable. There needs to be an approach that addresses and solves the medical condition of plantar fasciitis.
When these non-medical remedies are not working, or the pain is just too much, a person should consider heel pain treatment from Medi-dyne. They offer numerous options that can solve the issue.
It is always a good idea to receive an opinion from a medical professional. They may prescribe some of the actions mentioned above, but they may also point out the pitfalls of just waiting for the pain to go away.
A visit to the doctor may produce some prescribed medications. They may be over the counter or require a visit to the pharmacy. There may also be referral to a physical therapist who will use some of the home remedies in a proper fashion.
If the heel pain is the result of a serious injury, there may be an x-ray or MRI. Injections are another possibility.
The decision to seek medical care is a personal one. Heel pain treatment from Medi-dyne and the use of their products is one possibility. Just living with the pain and altering a lifestyle for a period of time is certainly a choice. The ultimate decision is when the pain gets too unbearable to go it alone. A visit to the doctor is then in order.